Thursday, April 28, 2011

Colour challenge layout

The April colour challenge at Home and Scrapped was to use lime green, white and purple.

I used some of the pictures Penny gave me of the girls, while I was up there for the Easter hols.....thanks, Penny, photos of my gorgeous girls always make me smile.

I tried making flower centres from old zippers which I found at the local Vinnies for 50c each.

Today is rainy and bleak so I have decided to tackle yet another unfinished quilt which needs some hand quilting. I love to have a quilt on my knees to sew when the weather is chilly! I never quilt in the summer, it is far too hot for such things! My hands are now sore and achy, but quite a bit has been completed. I am thinking the rest might have to be done by machine! This will eventually belong to one of the grandchildren so the machine stitching might be up to more wear and tear.


Nay and Gilly said...

woot woo Dee!! Lo looks super fab and you totally nailed the colour combo (really hard one I think!!) esp luv ur zippy flowers!!
luv Renee

Penny said...

You found the perfect picture for that combo I reckon!

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